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Separate Ways, with words by Greg Mosse and music by John Gleadall, premiered in 2016 at the Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly, in a showcase performance, plus a full run at the Festival of Chichester, directed by Roger Redfarn.


Doye Mosse Productions is reviving the show for our friends at Theatro Technis as part of Camden Fringe 2019:


Separate Ways at Theatro Technis in Camden Fringe 2019


Wednesday 22 to Saturday 24 August at 21h


We have an amazing cast:


Michaela Bennison

Arabella Rodrigo

Sam O'Hanlon


An incredibly catchy jazz-swing musical for three actors, this one-hour cabaret-style show is the story of three friends who fall in love in all the possible combinations of two from three – then go their Separate Ways.


Full of memorable tunes and intricate lyrics, played live by John Gleadall (bass) and Tony Pegler (keys), it tells an intriguing, surprising story, making for an exceptionally warm and enjoyable theatrical experience.


- Beth is 35 years old, a mostly unemployed actor and singer and she’s getting to that point in life where something has to give


- Emily (late 20s) always has a plan – but what if that eminently sensible plan means she’s never going to try and achieve her dreams?


- Freddie (late 20s) doesn't have a plan of any kind, but he’s an optimist and somehow remains convinced that everything is going to turn out just fine …


The action is set today, in London, a place where dreams – and dramas – might just come true.

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